Recently, exam around us =-= then so Tired!!!Mr.Lim...Really, you're right~i got Panda eyes liao=-=haiz~
Tomorrow exam is the business studies and account...this term exam all is UEC format =-= then,wish my friend all pass exam =] GOOD LUCK~ : )
haiz~so boring arh today=-=all people go to sleep...some people go to KL party...some people go out with family.Me? at home study the business studies...a bit lonely.
all everything , i'm used to.Right? i think so~
I ❤ it. Muack~
Winnie The Pooh
very nice~right?^^
i thought nike brand didn't winnie this pooh style shoes...there are other brand also
suddenly, i see it in the fb photo =]
but this style like the children shoes =-=
I can't wear it... but i think my son can wear leh xD hahahah~joke only ^^
my friend laugh me jor~16year old liao...why so like it =-= this look very like the children leh~
why can't woor~winnie the pooh so cute mah^^
especially childhood's winnie the pooh~~very very cute ❤
wedding ❤
Pretty? of courseh lah =] Love it also^^ hahah~ :PP
yesterday afternoon i saw this in Fb《黑人与范范的结婚典礼》
帅呆!!! xD HAHAHA~
是不是每个女生都会想着以后跟自己的心爱的人,举办美丽又幸福的婚礼,然后手牵着手,走进教堂,在神圣的面前,许下若言.....答应对方无论怎样都好,都不会离开,要信任对方,然后一起走到人生的最后一刻 ❤ hahah~
姐妹们,期待噢?xD 还记得我们前几天还说过这个话题~hahahha :))